Every object stands for a musical object. Each of the object's properties determine the musical material that will be generated. There are main objects by wich the composition can be made:
1: Statement: Creates totally new musical material.
2: Antecedent: Changes musical material by looking at the next object.
3: Concequent: Provokes a contradiction. Antecendent and Concequent allways come in pairs.
4: Preperation: Borrows parameters from the next object, but does not create new musical material.
5: Extension: Borrows parameters from the previous object, and extends it. Does not creat any new material.
These objects, their repsective parameters and the sequence placed in determine musical algortime-parameters, by wich the musical material will be genarated.
At this moment the Composer is still under development.:
De off-line DEMO is ready for download and trail right now!